Annual General Meeting 2018
Pickering Museum Village Foundation Annual General Meeting
Pickering Recreation Centre
Rooms 1 & 2
March 22, 2018
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
1) Welcome - Chair Greg Oakes called the meeting to order at 7:19 pm.
2) Deputy Mayor David Pickles is welcomed by Chair Greg Oakes. Deputy Mayor Pickles shared greetings from the Mayor and recognized the work done by the Foundation and the work done at the Museum.
Greg thanked Terry and Bev Arvisais for the effort of preparing and bringing the lovely refreshments to our meeting.
3) Introduction of Officers - Greg Oakes - Chair. Terence Arvisais - Treasurer and Vice Chair. Karen Kowalchuk (formerly Grant) - Secretary. Angela Steyn - Membership Secretary. Suzanne Derome - responsible for Bingo scheduling, is currently in hospital for an extended time due to health complications. Risann Wright - Youth Director, sends her regrets.
4) Approval of Minutes AGM 2017 - Bev Arvisais moves to accept, Rose Cowan seconds. Carried.
5) Introduction of Katrina Pyke PMV - Katrina shared the highlights of the museum over 2017 as outlined in the program for the meeting. Katrina thanked the Foundation for their continued support.
6) Introduction of Tanya Ryce PMVAC - Tanya spoke on behalf of the Advisory Committee and City of Pickering, and thanked the Foundation for its support and for what that support means in terms of preservation for our museum. She anticipates that there will be a request for support as work progresses on the Combination Barn. As well, the Steam Barn will be converted into a large and proper site for the preservation and restoration of artifacts.
7) a) Reports - Treasurer (T. Arvisais) - as noted in the program
Total for Dec. 31, 2016: 150,683.14
Total for Dec. 31, 2017: 191,852.23
To end of Feb., 2018:
General Account: 74,373.02
E-Bingo Account: 122,689.06
To end of Feb., 2018: 197,062.08
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report - Paul Savel, seconded by John Edmonds.
b) Membership (A. Steyn) - 51 members to date.
c) Bingo (T. Arvisais) for S. Derome - Terry thanks everyone for their support to continue with the Bingos due to Suzanne’s health. Terry asks if there is someone who may consider taking on a role as Suzanne’s assistant, especially for when she does return.
8) Directors going forward in 2018
Greg Oakes, T. Arvisais, S. Derome, A. Steyn, K. Kowalchuk, Risann Wright
Nominating committee: A. Steyn/J. Edmonds
Nomination for Chair: Greg Oakes
Greg Oakes is the Chair of the PMVF by acclamation.
This is a two year term
10) Greg introduced Guest Speaker Mr. Neil Hannam from HC (Hannam Consulting).
Thanks to Guest Speaker from Greg Oakes.
Adjournment: Bev Arvisais so moves, seconded by John Edmonds.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm.